Blog post

Q&A with Keller Easterling on Extrastatecraft at io9 today 2-3pm EST, 11am-noon PST

Rachel Rosenfelt18 December 2014

Image for blog post entitled Q&amp;A with Keller Easterling on <i>Extrastatecraft</i> at io9 today 2-3pm EST, 11am-noon PST

TODAY: Thursday, December 18 at 2pm EST (11am PST) join the editors of io9 for a participatory interview with Keller Easterling about her acclaimed work, Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space. 

io9 highlighted the stranger-than-fiction world cities trailers earier in their post, "The Rise of Global Trade Cities that Operate Outside the Law."

One example of extrastatecraft is the proliferation of "Extra Processing Zones" (or EPZs). You may have heard of Dubai, but that's just one of many dozens of "free zones" operating independent of domestic laws of their host countries, offering the global business elite a set of incentives—tax exemptions, foreign rights to property, cheap workforce, streamlined customs, deregulation of labor or environmental laws. An emergent genre of urban porn, urban music video or urban trailer now promotes the global city building epidemic.

Discuss EPZs and more with Easterling live today!

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