Posts tagged: capitalism
Victor Cartan considers the work of Frédéric Lordon and Murray Bookchin together in this essay.
Snivelling over the Living World
While economic, health, and political crises abound, capitalists are obsessed with "raising awareness." But what use is awareness when action is needed? In this short piece, Frédéric Lordon offers an incisive critique of this 'radicalism that has no impact'.
Rare Gems
Martín Arboleda talks extractivism, financialization, and the Global South in this interview deep dive into his book, Planetary Mines: Territories of Extraction Under Late Capitalism
Nature Is Always a Political Force: An Interview with Razmig Keucheyan
In this age of compounding climate crisis, how should we understand the relationship between politics and nature?Sociologist and leftist organizer Razmig Keucheyan reflects on the answer through this thoughtful discussion of environmental racism, consumerism, and pandemic.
Capital’s Viral Crown
Sara Colantuono and Arlen Austin interviews Silvia Federici on the Coronavirus pandemic and capitalist development.