Blog post

Jane McAlevey: Building the Labor Movement in Obama's Second Term

Molly Osberg 5 December 2012

Jane McAlevey, author of Raising Expectations (and Raising Hell): My Decade Fighting for the Labor Movement was a guest on WBAI's WakeUp Call with Esther Armah last week.

Click here to listen to the interview. 

The author was also featured on a recent segment of GritTV with Laura Flanders, where she warned against getting comfortable in the wake of another Obama win: 

"With the breathing room we have," in the wake of the election, she says, "we have to totally reframe the crisis."
The only crisis, the only fiscal cliff that anybody, especially the labor movement should be talking about, is the one that wall street forced every American worker to walk off in 2008.

And by the way, if you're poor, you've been hanging off that cliff for a long time. On a branch.

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