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As many of you may know, Verso is navigating a financial crisis. In July we were informed that our UK distributor, Marston Book Services, was beginning the process of filing for bankruptcy. Marston owes Verso nearly £1 million for book sales stretching back to January, and there is little chance that we will receive any payment from our former UK distributor.
We are so grateful for the incredible support we received during our recent fundraising campaign! Pledges from our readers have allowed us to recover more solid footing and continue with the publication of our Autumn/Winter titles. This means everything to us, and from everyone at Verso, THANK YOU!
But there is still work to be done. One of our core beliefs at Verso is that political ideas should be available to as many people as possible. For that reason, since the launch of our own e-commerce site, we have offered generous discounts across our books. In addition, we have made many of our ebooks free during moments of huge political unrest and humanitarian tragedy, including The End of Policing, Ten Myths About Israel, From the River to the Sea: Essays for a Free Palestine, How to Blow Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World on Fire, and How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.
But, for the first time ever, we’re asking our readers to buy directly from our website at full price! If you have ever enjoyed our free ebooks or bought from us during a discounted time, and are able to show your support now, we really appreciate it! We bundle ebooks with every print purchase—so you can use this as an opportunity to pick up an ebook for yourself and gift the print book to a friend or comrade! We have also just introduced the Verso Gift Card—find out more here.
We know there are many people who will not be in a financial position to buy at full price—we appreciate any support you can give by sharing your favourite Verso book online or letting others know about the Verso Gift Card.
See highlights from our new publishing and Verso bestsellers below!
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