Seventh installment of Racecraft podcast with Karen Fields

The latest installment of the Racecraft dialogue series for the Academic & the Artist radio show features journalist and critic Maria Bustillos, along with author Karen E. Fields and host Sergio C. Muñoz. Karen E. Fields is the author of Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life. This dialogue series touches upon different facets of "race" in America, a concept which Fields points out is often oversimplified and subsequently under-explored.
Set to the music of Paul Robeson, this week's show discusses the relevance of the singer in today's climate of government overreach and state accusations of treason. Bustillos, Fields, and Muñoz also engage in dialogue about racialized dialects, the institutionalization of discriminatory language issues, and the weight language carries for future political change.
Visit the podcast archive at the Intelatin Cloudcast to download or listen to the shows in full. Also forthcoming from Verso is Paul Robeson: A Watched Man, a new biography by Jordan Goodman.