Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities

Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities remains the most influential book on the origins of nationalism, filling the vacuum that previously existed in the traditions of Western thought. Cited more often than any other single English-language work in the human sciences, it is read around the world in more than thirty translations. Following the rise and conflict of nations and the decline of empires, Anderson draws on examples from South East Asia, Latin America and Europe’s recent past to show how nationalism shaped the modern world.
This new edition is 40% off until Saturday October 15th. Click here to activate.

Members of the youth wing of the Indonesian Communist party are taken to prison in Jakarta, 30 October, 1965
“Anderson’s work stands as an inspiration not only to his students, his readers, and all those whose lives have been affected by his work, but also to all those who reject the false choice between politics and scholar¬ship, and who seek to live accordingly.” – Nation
“Far and away the most influential study of nationalism … As well-versed in novels and poetry as he was in scholarship, Anderson was an eloquent advocate for global culture.” – Jeet Heer, New Republic
“One of the greatest … deserves still to be central to our thinking about the world.” – T. J. Clark, London Review of Books
“Anderson transformed the study of nationalism … and was renowned not only for his theoretical contributions but also for his detailed examinations of language and power in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.” – New York Times
“Everything Anderson wrote was boldly original … He was never content to tell an audience what they wanted to hear.” – Anthony Reid, Guardian
Benedict Anderson passed away in December 2015. Read some of the tributes written of him here: Benedict Anderson 1936-2015
Read an extract from Imagined Communities here.
His memoir, A Life Beyond Boundaries, is available now for 20% off.
Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism is 40% off until Saturday, October 15th at midnight EST.