The Leveller Revolution half price with Philosophy Football's Leveller T-shirt

John Rees's book The Leveller Revolution offers a gripping narrative of the Seventeenth Century revolutionary democrats the Levellers. The Leveller's philosophy was perhaps best summed up by Thomas Rainsborough at the famous Putney Debates - that "the poorest that is in England hath a live to live as the greatest".
To celebrate the launch of John's book, Verso have teamed up with Philosophy Football to offer an exclusive Leveller t-shirt plus a half-priced signed copy of The Leveller Revolution bundle. For more information, and to order, click here.
The shirt is available on its own or as a special offer. Shirt plus half-price and no extra postage, the new book The Levellers Revolution, signed by the author John Rees. A thrilling narrative traces the politics and actions of the Levellers, the rank and file the New Model Army, Cromwell and the furious arguments at The Putney Debates where Rainsborough outlines his vision of a free and equal England. The book is also available on its own here