Chris Connery on Neoliberalism in China
Christopher Connery on the nature of the Chinese economy following the initiation of market reforms from the late 1970s, the compatibility between authoritarianism and neoliberalism, and the legacy of the Tiananmen Square massacre, with Alex Doherty on the Politics Theory Other podcast. The interview was prompted by Christopher's excellent article on neoliberalism in China which you can find in the Jan-Feb issue of the New Left Review.

Politics Theory Other is a weekly political podcast. The show aims to bring the work of writers on the radical left to a broader public and to encourage popular engagement with work that is sometimes considered "academic" or "difficult". The show also aims to encourage engagement between the Marxist left and those working in the traditions of cultural studies and post-structuralist theory.
Recent shows have included episodes on Brexit (with Richard Seymour), populism (with Thea Riofrancos), the financial crisis (with Adam Tooze), Islamophobia and the War on Terror (with Nisha Kapoor), and Jeremy Gilbert on Maurizio Lazzarato and the reception of French theory in the anglophone world.
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