Special subscription offers for Book Club members
Special offers from some of our favorite magazines including Jacobin, n+1, Salvage and New Left Review.

As an end of year bonus just for Book Club members, we have limited time subscriber discounts to a few of our comradely magazines and journals:
Founded in 1960, New Left Review analyses world politics, the global economy, state powers and protest movements; contemporary social theory, history and philosophy; cinema, literature, heterodox art and aesthetics. Claim special offer here: 25% discount for new subscribers. Expires December 31, 2020.
Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. Claim special offer here: $5 yearlong digital subs, $10 yearlong print subs. Expires Jan 31, 2021.
Salvage is a bi-annual journal of revolutionary arts and letters, publishing radical non-fiction, poetry, visual art and fiction, without sectarian, stylistic or formal constraint. Take 25% off the first year of your subscription. Expires January 31, 2021. Enter coupon code VERSO at checkout here.
For more than 40 years, In These Times has been part of a proud tradition of progressive, muckraking journalism — the kind that is needed now more than ever. Claim special offer here: 15 issues for $6.95.
Dissent is a quarterly magazine of politics and ideas, founded in 1954. Claim special offer here: 25% off new print and digital subscriptions.
n+1 is a print and digital magazine of literature, culture, and left-wing politics published three times a year: Take 30% off a year-long print and digital subscription. Enter coupon code VERSOBOOKCLUB at checkout here.