#whatif by @mckenziewark
#whatif the rich paid the same taxes as everybody else?
#whatif we just circulated ideas rather than respond to the demand to make ‘demands'?
#whatif nobody had to go homeless?
#whatif we declared war on poverty rather than on other countries?
#whatif we occupied twitter with a questioning of our needs and desires?
#whatif all children had access to free quality health care?
#whatif the banks served the economy; rather than the economy the banks?
#whatif people could make ends meet doing just one job that had reasonable hours?
#whatif people asked themselves why the 1% wants them to believe obvious bullsh%t about #ows?
#whatif everyone thought about what was really in their own interests?
#whatif the 1% were held as accountable for their actions as the rest of us?
#whatif elections were publicly funded?
#whatif we invested in education as a public good?
#whatif those who lent money had to take a risk to get their interest on it, and lost their bet if they lent unwisely?
#whatif we were impossible and demanded the realistic?
#whatif people asked themselves whether they really want to see their fellow Americans go without food and shelter?
#whatif we invested in new science rather than new weapons?
#whatif we rewarded those who create new ideas rather than those who just own the old ones?
#whatif we put creating jobs ahead of paying off the bond holders?
#whatif we forgive some of the principle on both housing and student debt?
#whatif people organized at their place of work to improve working conditions?
#whatif there were indictments for 2008 financial fraud?
#whatif there was actually a politics, rather than patronage and infomercials?
#whatif we just said no to neo-fascists who can only feel good by making someone else suffer?
#whatif there were conservatives who actually wanted to conserve rather than destroy?
#whatif the news actually reported some news?
#whatif we rewarded only those investors who take actual risks?
#whatif we built schools rather than prisons?
#whatif the government supported farmers who want to grow food rather than agribusiness making corn syrup?
#whatif our cities were for living in rather than real estate speculation?
#whatif the 1% had to actually invest in new industries rather than just loot the state?
#whatif the people made their own agenda?
#whatif the Democratic Party was actually Democratic, and actually a Party?
#whatif we threw Faux News in the dumpster rather than books?
#whatif public spaces were actually for the public?
#whatif we invested in green engineering, not 'financial engineering'?
#whatif we took climate change seriously and employed people to prepare for it?
#whatif you thought about what would really make things better, not just for you but for everybody?