Democracy, Equality, Emancipation in a Changing World
The idea of emancipation makes us think of politics in terms of a conflict of worlds in contrast to the dominant idea that assimilates it to a conflict of forces.
The idea of emancipation makes us think of politics in terms of a conflict of worlds in contrast to the dominant idea that assimilates it to a conflict of forces.
If we can place any reasonable hope in the Macron presidency, it is that everything is going to become very, very obvious. Which is to say, odious like never before.
Macron is the name of a crisis of any politics that purports to "represent" political orientations in an electoral space. That clearly owes to the fact that the earthly disappearance of the communist hypothesis and its parties has little by little made the truth about parliamentarism apparent: namely, that ultimately it only "represents" small nuances in the dominant consensus around neoliberal capitalism — and not any alternative strategy. The far Right, in the brutal style of Donald Trump or the renovated Pétainism of Marine Le Pen, profits from this situation, since although it stands totally within that consensus it is alone in giving off the appearance of being on the outside.