
Posts tagged: policing

  • Spycops in context: Why does the state infiltrate political organisations?

    Spycops in context: Why does the state infiltrate political organisations?

    Recent revelations show that at least 140 English and Welsh ‘spycops’, long-term undercover agents, infiltrated around 120 dissident political organisations between 1968 and 2011 - the vast majority of the these being organisations on the left. But why does the state infiltrate political organisations? And why does it disproportionately target those on the left, as opposed to the right? In this article Connor Woodman looks at the history of the British secret state and the role it plays in the maintenance of capitalism.

  • Alexandre Benalla and Emmanuel Macron in Touquet, June 2017.

    The Benalla Affair in Context

    The revelation that Emmanuel Macron’s bodyguard disguised himself as a riot cop in order to beat up protestors exposes larger problems with the presidency and policing in France. 

  • Special Police Officers at a Salwa Judum camp, 2009. via The Hindu.

    Hostages to Democracy

    Focussing on the Indian government's counterinsurgency operations against Maoists in Bastar, Nandini Sundar examines how formal democracy works to subvert popular power. 

  • via Paris-Luttes.

    In Solidarity with the Students at Nanterre

    The Mouvement du 22 mars, founded on 22 March 1968, was a Nanterre-based movement decisive to catalysing the student revolt that sparked the France-wide general strike of May–June 1968. Fifty years later, in this text former M22M militants express their solidarity with the students today under attack on this same campus.

  • Members of the NYPD Warrants Squad on duty, June 2013.

    Superpredators: Police on the Hunt

    Police often speak of themselves as hunters. This might best be understood as an honest admission of what they actually do: hunt, capture, cage, and often kill those subjects marked as fugitive, unruly, impolite.