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Thinking with Lenin on the Centenary of his Death

Introducing new editions on Lenin.

21 January 2024

Thinking with Lenin on the Centenary of his Death

V.I.Lenin, leader of the 1917 October Revolution, played a decisive role in an event that transformed world history.

Out of thirty years of political activity, he spent twenty-four as an outlaw, an underground fighter, a political prisoner, and an exile. All these years this 'most earthly of all men', this great realist, was sustained by nothing more than a dream, a dream of a better, a more just, social order. When he acted, he acted in accord with the masses. He was their undisputed leader; he was also led by them.

His classic work, The State and Revolution, opens with a prophetic remark on the attempts to convert the revolutionary thinkers, after their death, into 'harmless icons', to canonise them, while at the same time robbing their revolutionary theory of its substance.

To mark the centenary of his death, we are publishing The Lenin Quintet - a series of works that allows us to think with Lenin in his time while also thinking about the struggle at hand as we make our way in this unrolling present. In revitalizing the politics and life of the man, these books present Lenin as neither the humourless, monolithic cult hero of Soviet mythology nor the bogeyman of official anti-communism.

The Lenin Quintet

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The Collected Works of Lenin

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Further Reading

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The State and Revolution
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The Lenin Scenario
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Not By Politics Alone
This vivid selection, compiled and introduced by Tamara Deutscher, written by Lenin and those who knew him, brings us the revolution in his everyday life – the man who lived by politics but not by ...
Lenin's Childhood

Lenin's Childhood

When he died suddenly in 1967, Isaac Deutscher had completed only the compelling first chapter of a long-anticipated biography of Lenin, published here. It covers Lenin’s family background, birth a...
Imperialism and the National Question
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Red Valkyries
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The Dilemmas of Lenin
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The Day After the Revolution
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Revolution at the Gates
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