
  • Electoral fraud

    Electoral fraud

    What is left for the left after the reelection of Emmanuel Macron in France? According to Frédéric Lordon, the French election of 2022 will not have been totally in vain if it at least allows us to disengage ourselves from electoral belief. In relation to its purpose, which is to ‘bring politics to life’, election is a fraud.

  • Blanqui today?

    Blanqui today?

    What is the significance of Auguste Blanqui for contemporary politics? In what ways might his political theory inform or serve as a corrective to recent debates about collective political action and radical social change? Here, Philippe Le Goff argues that Blanqui can help us formulate some of our most basic assumptions and questions today.

  • The End of the Republican Front

    The End of the Republican Front

    Much has been made since Emmanuel Macron's victory over far right candidate Marine Le Pen on April 24th of the scale of his victory. But as Marlon Ettinger writes, with the two previously dominant parties on their last legs, the latest French election represents merely another breakdown in the country's conventional political scene, one that could provide openings for both the left and the right.

  • May Day reading: We Want Everything

    May Day reading: We Want Everything

    "It’s not fair, living this shitty life, the workers said in meetings, in groups at the gates. All the stuff, all the wealth that we make is ours. Enough. We can’t stand it any more, we can’t just be stuff too, goods to be sold. Vogliamo tutto — We want everything."

  • May Day reading: An Injury to All

    May Day reading: An Injury to All

    An excerpt from Kim Moody's introduction to his classic book An Injury to All, which exposes the roots of modern “business unionism” and the causes of its decline.

  • l’Union Populaire is a Strategy

    l’Union Populaire is a Strategy

    Marlon Ettinger reports from France on the aftermath of Jean-Luc Mélenchon's campaign, its effects on the frontrunning candidates, and its creation of a new left bloc in French politics.