The Woman in Question
The Woman in Question collects some of the most memorable and important essays and editorials from the widely acclaimed journal m/f, which staked out new directions for feminist theory and politics from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s. New introductory essays by Chantal Mouffe, Constance Penley, and Joan Copjec and a postscript by Rachel Bowlby written for this collection directly assess the relation of m/f to feminism's current concerns. Selected to represent the range of the journal's coverage, the essays reprinted here deal with Marxist arguments and feminism, sexual difference, femininity and legal decisions, and psychoanalysis and feminism.
At the vital interface of social theory, representation and psychoanalysis, m/f provoked intense debate among feminists, raising issues which still act as a crucial point of reference for much feminist thinking to this day.
In the history and development of feminist thought, m/f has performed a unique function. This book will let us read and use the best of m/f in its impressive range and scope.
There has been no journal whose every issue I awaited with greater eagerness, and which so consistently exceeded my expectations. The m/f project continues in countless references and footnotes, and now in this most welcome and timely anthology.