Novas Travessias:Contemporary Photography in Brazil
Sale price $25.00
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Highlights the work of contemporary Brazilian photographers with an emphasis on images which reflect the dynamism and eclecticism of Brazilian society. The work of 21 of Brazilian photographers is shown, and the text describes the new uses of photography within the contemporary arts.
This volume highlights the work of contemporary Brazilian photographers with an emphasis on images which reflect the dynamism and eclecticism of Brazilian society. The editor has collected the work of 21 of Brazil’s most prominent photographers and accompanies their work with a commentary describing the new uses of photography within the contemporary arts and the burgeoning alternatives to traditional photography. The book begins with an historical overview, continuing with the experiences of the independent photo agencies of the 1970s, the creative surge in the 80s, and the recent emergence of photography as a means of personal and artistic expression. The direct participation of indigenous authors and photographers from all regions of Brazil allows this book to show how writers and artists see themselves and their work in a de-exoticized framework.