Order Out of Chaos

Order Out of Chaos:Man’s New Dialogue with Nature

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A pioneering book that shows how the two great themes of classic science, order and chaos, are being reconciled in a new and unexpected synthesis.

Order Out of Chaos is a sweeping critique of the discordant landscape of modern scientific knowledge. In this landmark book, Nobel Laureate Ilya Prigogine and acclaimed philosopher Isabelle Stengers offer an exciting and accessible account of the philosophical implications of thermodynamics. Prigogine and Stengers bring contradictory philosophies of time and chance into a novel and ambitious synthesis. Since its first publication in France in 1978, this book has sparked debate among physicists, philosophers, literary critics and historians.


  • A passionate meditation on Man and Universe

    Italo Calvino
  • A book filled with flashing insights that subvertmany of our most basic assumptions and suggest fresh ways to think about them…brilliant, demanding, dazzling

    Alvin Toffler
  • An astonishingly ambitious and wide-ranging bookwhich reaches deep not only into physical and chemical theory, but also intothe history and philosophy of science
