For our Jameson at 90 series, Carolyn Lesjak reflects on Fredric Jameson's book Allegory and Ideology and his unique ability to diagnose symptoms of the present.
In this instalment of our Jameson at 90 series, Ian Balfour returns to Fredric Jameson's The Ancients and the Postmoderns, reflecting on Jameson's career-spanning occupation with totality.
For our Jameson at 90 series, Anna Kornbluh revisits Fredric Jameson's project to theorize Marx's Capital as a representation in his book Representing Capital.
Andrew Cole revisits Fredric Jameson's The Hegel Variations through notes he took as a graduate student in Jameson's seminars for our Jameson at 90 series.
Sianne Ngai likens the totality of Fredric Jameson's work to a musical composition, hitting key notes that synthesize in the composer's master chord. The work that most embodies this phenomenon, she argues, is Jameson's Valences of Dialectic.
For our Jameson at 90 series, Nicholas Brown returns to Fredric Jameson's essay, "On Rereading Doktor Faustus" from his essay collection The Modernist Papers.Â