Posts tagged: technology
In the final instalment of our Own This! roundtable, Trebor Scholz responds to the previous contributions and lays out his vision for platform cooperativism going forward.
Cooperating with cooperatives: how unions need to think Bigger
In part 4 of our Own This! roundtable, David O'Connell explores the relationship between trade unions and workers' cooperatives. -
About United Taxi Cooperative
Part 3 of our Own This! roundtable looks at the United Taxi Cooperative, a worker-governed to provide affordable dispatch services while generating new lines of business that honor drivers’ craft and relationships to San Diego communities. -
Scaling Platform Coops to a Digital Cooperative Commonwealth
In Part 2 of our Own This! roundtable, James Muldoon reflects on the challenges of building a cooperative society through the example of the nineteenth-century US labor association, the Knights of Labor. -
Own This!: A Verso Roundtable
Introducing Verso Books' roundtable on Trebor Scholz's book, Own This! -
Make it New
Recent years have seen a growing number of convincing pop songs produced entirely by machines. But what does this development tells us about contemporary culture's increasing homogeneity, and can artists use the technology against itself to create something genuinely new? -
The Mutilated World
AI-generated images proliferate online, spreading through diverse political ecosystems and flourishing in the darkest corners of the internet. But, as A.V. Marraccini writes, what would it mean to create the plan of a real city from AI images, and how could we think through its politics? -
'Technology has been turned against humanity's very survival'
Excerpted here, Revolutionary Mathematics peels back the layer of mystification that shrouds our understanding of what machine learning has already done and what it can do for us in the future.
The Revenge of the Real: a Letter from the Editor
Can we rethink biopolitics–the questions of life and death–in the long shadow of COVID and climate change?
There is power in the movement: Organised labour and the conquest of production
Craig Gent analyses the role of unions and potential for social movements in creating a workers' future without scarcity. Part of the Verso Roundtable on Automation and the Future of Work.
Do biobanks serve the common good?
In response to the current COVID-19 crisis the UK Biobank, that contains half a million people’s anonymised health and genetic information, may be used to answer questions about coronavirus. Becca Muir asks, are the biopolitics of these databases being ignored?
Geoengineering and Environmental Capitalism: Extractive Industries in the Era of Climate Change
Geoengineering schemes — still largely hypothetical — not only fail to address the underlying causes of climate change; they carry their own profound political, economic, and ecological risks.